Micro B3 - MaCuMBA - PharmaSea - Industry Expert Workshop

Marine Micr'Omics for Biotech Applications

Micro B3 - MaCuMBA - PharmaSea - Industry Expert Workshop


The enormous microbial biodiversity of marine environments offers an almost unlimited resource of enzymes and bioactive compounds.  In line with the development of innovative bioinformatics tools for (meta)genomics analysis based on high-throughput methods, application options of marine microbial knowledge in industry and medicine are rapidly increasing.

This second Industry Expert Workshop under the lead of the Ocean of Tomorrow project Micro B3 brings together academic and industrial scientists. It aims to further the exchange of current approaches for the discovery of novel microbial strains, bioactives and engineering of marine-derived biocatalysts with the help of bioinformatics tools. Opportunities and challenges for understanding complex genome data and their application to discover new enzymes and bioactive compounds will be discussed.

Four focused sessions and a cross-sectoral panel discussion are planned:

  • Environmental biotechnology through marine microbial knowledge
  • Natural products based on marine biodiversity
  • Bioinformatic tools and methods for innovative blue biotechnology
  • New strategies for high throughput isolation of novel marine microorganisms  
  • Panel discussion on bioactives of marine origin – opportunities and challenges

More information on this second industry expert workshop can be found  in the sub-menues and here:

Micr'Omics second announcement (PDF)

Registration is open now until end of January 2015,  with a limit on number of participants.

You can register only online.

Final confirmation of acceptance will be made Mid-February 2015.

A draft programme is visible here.

Information on logistics can be found here.

Information on outcomes of past Micro B3 industry and stakeholder workshops can be found in Deliverable 9.5

Monday, March 30, 2015 to Tuesday, March 31, 2015
PharmaMar headquarters in Colmenar Viejo, near Madrid, Spain
Bioactives, bioinformatics, marine microbial biodiversity, biotechnology